Hiies!! Bac to posting (: WAH!!! So happy sey... Know y? B'coz mii maple hor,1st time lvl 39 nia... last time mii most pro train untill de is 33... now leh? donno why suddenly wan to play maple... playing cassopiea(if gt spelling mistake,sry arh,becoz donno hw to spell)... IGN is XxS0NnYxX... add mii if wanna train with me.. always in ludi de... becoz wheneva also can pq wad.. hehe... last time tell mii frwen i keep on chionging pq,he say i XIAO wor!! how i wish can smack him... but cannt.. know why? he gt gang mah.. haishhhh...
If mii jie saw mii post hor,thank u lor jie,next time school reopen,buy u a bottle of ice green tea becoz help me train until 99% lor... OK... ending here... buaiis
"HiP HoP KiNg a.k.a KeeFe a.k.a AsSaSiN Boii endiing here (: gd buaiis:)